Here is your daily mail.

As you know I send you mail like this every day. I call it a newsletter. I give it to a kid at my library, along with a nickel for his troubles, and he walks it over to the post office. Sometimes his sister is with him and she demands a dime. She also tries to sell me advice.

I have not found it to be particularly good advice.

Anyway, I trust it all works out. You get these messages and I clear out my loose change.

Plus I don’t have to leave the library and can help people. It’s better if I’m around. Many young people are confused by how to use our new catalog search engines.

Remember how at the start of Life is a Fountain I offered a lot of forms to fill out?

The main thing I learned it that you weren’t very interested in filling out forms.

Even though they are super fun to fill out!

So today I thought I’d send you to the Life is a Fountain Form Page.

Just in case you’ve reconsidered.

There are forms there to fill out.

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